South West buttress

14 Unknown
15 Unknown but same symbol on north west buttress in same position.
16 Unknown
17 Unknown
18 The Shield – the symbol of ‘All Saints’
19 St Ethelreda (also known as St Audrey)
The letter A within a necklace. She died of a tumour on her neck which was interpreted as divine punishment for wearing necklaces in her younger days.
20 Unknown
21 Unknown
22 A chequerboard motif

     Corpus Christi and Lent – Foliage.
Corpus Christi Day celebrated the Eucharist and was held on the Thursday after the festival of the Trinity.  It was marked by processions where the Holy Sacrament was carried through the streets that were strewn with foliage.


Four ‘mouchettes’ within a circle.

The number symbolised the four evangelists.


The Trinity – The Triangle and Circles.
This is the monogram of the Trinity, the three persons in the one God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
The festival of the Trinity was the Sunday after Pentecost.

26 Unknown
27 Tracery

A Saints shield – unknown dedication

29 Tracery
30 The symbol of Eternity

The Star of David – A six pointed star.
The star came into popular use on Christian churches and hostelries in medieval times. The motif was also used as an inn sign which suggests that it was, at that time, a symbol of hospitality.

32 The Saltire corner piece.
33 Decorative detail at the top of the buttress