
13th FebCoffee morning in the Village Hall
16th FebNo service
23rd FebMass. 11.00am
2nd MarNo Service
9th MarMass 11.00am
16th MarNo service
23rd MarMass. 11.00
30th MarService of the Word. 10.00am
6th AprMass 11.00
13th AprNo Service
18th AprBurial of the Cross and Compline 5.00pm
19th AprEaster Vigil. 9.00pm
20th AprNo Service (Benefice service at Hockwold 10.00am
27th AprBenefice service at Feltwell 11.00am (The Rector’s last service to be followed by lunch)

The church will be open every day from 10:00am until 4:00pm for private prayer and reflection.