South East Buttress

01 The partially obscured monogram of Christ. This occurred when the clerestory was added not long after the construction of the tower.
02 The Ring of Innocent – Four rings. In 1205, Pope Innocent III sent King John a set of four gold rings each inset with a precious stone.  Innocent explained that the rings had particular significance – the circular form was to represent eternity and the number four to represent the virtues of justice, fortitude, prudence and temperance.  The gemstones also had meaning.  The green emerald – faith, the blue sapphire – hope, the red garnet – charity and the bright topaz – good works 
03 Unknown
04 An ‘All Saints’ shield with a rose inset.
05 A Quatrefoil motif
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07        The Resurrection – The Wheel.            The eight spoked wheel represents the wheel of life.  In this case it surrounds a Pommée Cross of St Michael the Archangel, the weigher of souls.There is a similar motif on the north west buttress.
08 Unknown
09 St Andrew – The cross Saltire.  According to tradition St Andrew was crucified on an X shaped cross known as the saltire.  There is another version of the saltire set in the base of the tower.
10 Unknown
11   The monogram of St Maria. 

A combination of M, A and R.

12 St Lawrence – The Gridiron.  St Lawrence (died 258) was the archdeacon of Rome who, when ordered to give up the treasures of the Church to the pagan authorities, produced instead the poor and sick of the Christian community.  He was condemned and burned to death over a gridiron.  He is said to have shouted “I am roasted on one side. Now turn me over and eat!” 
13 The corner symbol situated at the top of the buttress and identical to the other three corners.